Ludwig van Beethoven


1. Beethoven's career as a composer was strongly influenced by political events in:
A France
B Germany
C Austria
D England
2. Beethoven followed the lead of Mozart by making major contributions in all of the following areas except:
A piano literature
B chamber music
C symphony
D opera
3. Early in his career Beethoven was employed by:
A a publishing company
B Emperor Francis II
C the church
D various noblemen
4. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony includes a choir in the 4th movment. The text is by the German poet Schiller. Its message is:
A Austrian workers must unite to overthrow the Hapsburg monarchy.
B The Austrian government must guard itself against the dangerous influences of the French Revolution.
C German speaking people should unify to bring peace to Europe.
D People of all classes should be united in a spirit of love and brotherhood.
5. Beethoven's early symphonies and string quartets were influenced by:
A Mozart
B Haydn
C Bach
D Händel
6.Beethoven wrote more secular music than sacred music.
A True
B False
7. The Heiligenstadt Testament is a letter Beethoven wrote concerning:
A his plans for the Eroica Symphony
B his Immortal Beloved
C his legal problems with his sister-in-law.
D his deafness
8. Which Beethoven symphony describes scenes in the countryside?
A the Sixth Symphony
B the Eroica Symphony
C the Choral Symphony
D the Fifth Symphony
9. In the field of music, Beethoven is considered to be the father of
Bthe string quartet
10. All of the following are found in Beethoven's music except:
Astrict adherence to the rules of Classical composition
Bprogrammatic writing
Cpolitically inspired subject matter
Dsonata forms with extensive development sections

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Q 9:
Correct Answers
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